The Fantastic Zelda Melody has written another chapter for Zelda's Trial. This is what Zelda is all about people. READ IT! Rock on Zelda Melody. |
Another section added to Chapter 2 in Zelda Melody's fantastic fanfic (Now called "Zelda's Trial") A definate read. |
Exciting news here. Din's Shrine and MM Online are merging. So what does this mean for all you Zelda Fans out there? It means more updates, info, files, as well as a new staff member. Look foward to a new layout and colors. It'll be a long haul guys, but it will happen. |
Gimdin7 has changed his name to ErebusKnight, with a new e-mail addy. |
New Chapter added to Zeldamelody777's Un-named Hyrulian Epic. Check it out: it's a must read. We also added an Archives Page to view past updates. Also, coming soon, a Beastiary for Majora's Mask courtesy of MM Online |
New Fanfic added. done by Zeldamelody777 |
Due to some problems I've had with a certain server, I have decided to move to tripod, which is much faster, and more organized. Right on, tripod! |
*begin shameless advertisment* Looking for a Zelda RPG? Well now you find one! Goto The Din Guild to find out how to join and get in on the fun! |
As you can see, Din's Shrine has gotten a serious makeover. At this point, we are about 90% complete. So, the only things that are not up yet is the multimedia section, and the items/ songs section. Sorry about that, but they will be up shortly. |
Well, a big, no temendious announcement! We here at Din's Shrine now have a staff. Welcome: Efreit! And since there is a new staff member, things will get better! We also now have an art gallery and a staff page. |